Interchange of active and passive voice in transformation : 

Interchange of active and passive voice in transformation : 

दोस्तों Transformation of Sentences से संबंधित यह तीसरा पोस्ट है। इससे पहले हम लोगों ने दो नियम पढ़ लिए हैं। इस पोस्ट में Interchange of Active and Passive Voice के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी लेंगे। यदि आप Active and Passive Voice से संबंधित पहले से जानकारी रखे हैं तो यह Interchange of active and passive voice कुछ समझना सरल हो जाएगा। 

इस पोस्ट में दिए गए Example की सहायता से आपको ज्यादा से ज्यादा नियमों को समझाया गया है तो इसलिए हर नियम में दिए गये उदाहरण को अच्छे से समझने की कोशिश कीजिएगा। लेकिन जहां आपको ना समझ आये तो Comment जरुर कीजिएगा। 

Interchange of active and passive voice in transformation

Change of All Tense Into Passive Voice : 

1.Present Indefinite :

इस tense के वाक्य का निम्न संरचना द्वारा Active से Passive में बदला जाता है। 

Rules of Active Voice 

  • Subject + Verb (s/es आवश्यकता अनुसार) + Object.
  • Sub + do/doe + not + Verb (First form) + Obj.
  • Do/Does + Sub + Verb (First Form) + Obj +? 

Example  : 

  1. He composes a song.
  2. He does not compose a song.
  3. Does he compose a song?

Rules of Passive Voice

  • Sub + is/am/are + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Sub + is/am/are + not + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Is/am/are + sub + verb(third form) + by + Obj +? 

Example  : 

  1. A song is composed by him.
  2. A song is not composed by him.
  3. Is a song composed by him?

2. Past Indefinite : 

इस टेंस का निम्न प्रकार से Active से Passive Voice में बदला जाता है। 

Rules of Active Voice 

  • Sub + Verb (second form) + Obj.
  • Sub + did + not + Verb (first form) + Obj. 
  • Did + Sub + Verb (first form) + Obj+? 

Example : 

  1. He wrote a letter.
  2. He did not write a letter.
  3. Did he write a letter?

Rules of Passive Voice

  • Sub + was/were + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Sub + was/were +not + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Was/were + sub + verb(third form) + by + Obj +? 

Example : 

  1. A letter was written by him.
  2. A letter was not written by him.
  3. Was a letter written by him?

3. Future Indefinite : 

इस Future Indefinite का निम्न प्रकार से Active से Passive Voice में बदला जाता है। 

Rules of Active Voice

  • Sub +will/shall + Verb (first form) + Obj.
  • Sub +will/shall + not+  Verb (first form) + Obj.
  • Will/shall + Sub +  Verb (first form) + Obj + ?

Example : 

  1. She will drive a car.
  2. She will not drive a car.
  3. Will she drive a car?

Rules of Passive Voice 

  • Sub + will/shall + be + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Sub + will/shall + not + be + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Will/shall + Sub + be + Verb (third form) + by + Obj + ?

Example : 

  1. A car will be driven by her.
  2. A car will not be driven by her.
  3. Will a car be driven by her?

4.Present Continuous Tense 

इस Tense का के वाक्य अर्थात Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए निम्न Structure दिया गया है।

Rules of Active Voice

  • Sub + is/am/are + Verb (first form) + ing + Obj.
  • Sub +is/am/are + not +  Verb (first form) + ing + Obj.
  • Is/am/are + Sub +  Verb (first form) + ing+ Obj + ?

Example : 

(i) I am writing a letter.

(ii) I am not writing a letter.

(iii) Am I writing a letter?

Rules of Passive Voice 

  • Sub + is/am/are + being + Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Sub +is/am/are + not +  being + Verb (third form) + ing + Obj.
  • Is/am/are + Sub + being +  Verb (third form) + ing+ Obj + ?


  1. A letter is being written by me.
  2. A letter is not being written by me.
  3. Is a letter being written by me?

5. Past Continuous Tense

इस tense का passive voice निम्न structure की प्रयोग करके बनाया जाता है।

Rules of Active Voice

  • Sub + was/were + Verb (first form) + ing + by + Obj. 
  • Sub + was/were +not + Verb (First form) + ing + by + Obj. 
  • Was/were + sub + verb(First form) + ing + by + Obj +? 

Example : 

(i) He was buying a bike.

(ii) He was not buying a bike.

(iii) Was he buying a bike?

Rules of Passive Voice 

  • Sub + was/were + being + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Sub + was/were +not + being + Verb (third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Was/were + sub + being  + verb(third form) + by + Obj +? 


  1. A bike was being bought by him.
  2. A bike was not being bought by him.
  3. Was a bike being bought by him?

6. Present Perfect Tense 

इस tense का Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के निम्न नियम दिए गए हैं।

Rules of Active Voice

  • Sub + has/have + Verb(third form) + Obj. 
  • Sub + has/have + not + Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Has/have + sub + verb(third form) + obj +? 

Example : 

(i) She has cleaned the room. 

(ii) She has not cleaned the room.

(iii) Has she cleaned the room?

Rules of Passive Voice

  • Sub + has/have + been + Verb(third form) + by + Obj. 
  • Sub + has/have + not + been + Verb (third form) + by+  Obj.
  • Has/have + sub + been + verb(third form) + by + obj +?

Example : 

  1. The room has been cleaned by her.
  2. The room has not been cleaned by her.
  3. Has the room been cleaned by her?

7. Past Perfect Tense 

इस Past Perfect का Active Voice से Passive Voice में निम्न Structure द्वारा बदला जाता है।

Rules of Active Voice

  • Sub + had + Verb(third form) + Obj. 
  • Sub + had + not + Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Had + sub + verb(third form) + obj +? 

Example : 

(i) They had noted down the home work.

(ii) The had not noted down the home work.

(iii) Had they had noted down the home work?

Rules of Passive Voice

    • Sub + had + been + Verb(third form) + by + Obj. 
    • Sub + had + not + been + Verb (third form) + by+  Obj.
    • Had + sub + been + verb(third form) + by + obj +?

Example : 

  1. The home work hard been noted down by them.
  2. The home work hard not been noted down by them.
  3. Had the home work been noted down by them?

8. Future Perfect  Tense

इस Future Perfect  Tense का Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदले के निम्न नियम है।

Rules of Active Voice

  • Sub +will/shall + have + Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Sub +will/shall + not+ have + Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Will/shall + Sub + have +  Verb (third form) + Obj + ?

Example : 

(i) You will have started the institution. 

(ii) You will not have started the institution. 

(iii) Will you have started the institution?. 

Rules of Passive Voice

  • Sub +will/shall + have + been + Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Sub +will/shall + not+ have + been+  Verb (third form) + Obj.
  • Will/shall + Sub + have +  been + Verb (third form) + Obj + ?

Example : 

  1. The institution will have been started by you.
  2. The institution will not have been started by you.
  3.  Will the institution have been started by you?

Note : 12 Tenses में से चार Tenses की Passive Voice नहीं बनायी जाती – जो निम्न है

  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Continues tense
  • Future perfect continuous tense

Imperative Sentences का Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम : 

Imperative sentence का Passive Voice बनाते समय Let का प्रयोग करके be लगा देते हैं तथा Verb की Third form को be के बाद लगाते है। 

यदि वाक्य Negative हो तो Passive Voice में be से पहले not लगाते हैं।

जैसे- (i) Open the book.  (Active)

Let the book be opened.

(ii) Call the doctor.     (Active)

Let the doctor be called.

(iii) Don’t waste your time.  (Active)

Let your time not be wasted. (Passive)

इसका Passive Voice  निम्न प्रकार भी बनाया जा सकता है।

1.Should के साथ Verb की third form लगाकर

जैसे- (i) Call the police.    (Active)

The police should be called.   (Passive)

(ii) Call the doctor.   (Active)

The doctor should be called.   (Passive)

2. You are requested/commanded/advised/ordered + to + given sentence without any change


(i) Get out of the class.    (Active)

You are ordered to get out of the class.  (Passive)

(ii) Please give me some water.   (Active)

You are requested to give me some water. 

Note : Let से प्रारंभ होने वाले Active Voice के वाक्य को निम्न प्रकार से Passive Voice में बदलते है।

जैसे-(i) Let us eat some food.    (Active)

Let some food be eaten by us. 

Passive Voice For Modals Verbs

Modal Verbs कि Passive Voice कैसे बनता निम्न सारणी से समझ सकते हैं। 

Active Voice  Passive Voice 
Can का प्रयोग
  • Sub + can + verb(first form) + Obj.
  • Sub + can + not + verb (first form) +Obj 
  • Can + sub + verb (first form) + Obj +?

जैसे – (i) You can do this work. 

(ii) You can not do this work. 

(iii) Can you do this work?

  • Sub + can + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Sub + can + not + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Can + sub + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj +?

जैसे- (i) This work can be done by you. 

(ii) This work can not be done by you.

(iii) Can this work be done by you?

May का प्रयोग
  • Sub + may + verb(first form) + Obj.
  • Sub + may + not + verb (first form) +Obj 
  • May + sub + verb (first form) + Obj +?

जैसे – (i) I may buy the laptop.

(ii) I may not buy the laptop.

(iii) May I buy the laptop?

  • Sub + may + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Sub + may + not + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • May + sub + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj +?

जैसे- (i) The laptop my be bought by me. 

(ii) The laptop my not be bought by me.

(iii) May the laptop be bought by me? 

Might का प्रयोग
  • Sub + might + verb(first form) + Obj.
  • Sub + might + not + verb (first form) +Obj 
  • Might + sub + verb (first form) + Obj +?

जैसे- (i) Guests might play table tennis.

(ii) Guests might not play table tennis. 

(iii) Might guests play table tennis? 

  • Sub + might + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Sub + might + not + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Might + sub + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj +?

जैसे- (i) Table tennis might be played by guests. 

(ii) Table tennis might not be played by guests. 

(iii) Might table tennis be played by guests?

Should का प्रयोग
  • Sub + might + verb(first form) + Obj.
  • Sub + might + not + verb (first form) +Obj 
  • Might + sub + verb (first form) + Obj +?

जैसे- (i) Students should read all the lessons.

(ii) Students should not read all the lessons.

(iii) Should students read all the lessons? 

  • Sub + should + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Sub + should + not + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Should + sub + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj +?

जैसे- (i) All the lessons should be read by students.

(ii) All the lessons should not be read by students.

(iii) Should all the lessons be read by students?

Must का प्रयोग
  • Sub + must + verb(first form) + Obj.
  • Sub + must + not + verb (first form) +Obj 
  • Must + sub + verb (first form) + Obj +?
  • Sub + must + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Sub + must + not + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.
  • Must + sub + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj +?
Ought to का प्रयोग 

  • Sub + ought to + verb(first form) + Obj.
  • Sub + ought to + be + verb(third form) + by + Obj.


Exercise for Practice 

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice : 

1.You might forget the rules quickly.

2.Benjamin must win the competition.

3.They should cancel the game.

4.The doctor can’t persuade her.

5. Sachin could play cricket.

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